Our Former Journalists Boost Your Business
With News-Like Videos, Media Coverage, and Digital Marketing


Bloom PR is a unique digital marketing and public relations agency. Our former TV and print journalists have the rare mix of extensive agency experience, a strong digital marketing background and--because we were journalists--a deep understanding of how to get you showcased in news stories. Clients benefit from our relationships with thousands of reporters. We worked as digital marketing experts, news reporters and video producers at national and local news outlets.


  1. News Releases &
    Media Outreach
    • Our PR firm has a nationwide database of 20,000+ TV and print news reporters
    • Newsrooms take our PR agency’s calls because they know that, as former journalists, we understand their needs
    • We aggressively pitch reporters days, nights and weekends
    • Our PR agency pitches your news everywhere: TV, radio, print, blogs, and online
  1. Marketing
    • Our PR firm’s former news videographers spent every day as visual storytellers for businesses and people
    • Each video boosts credibility with customer testimonials, becoming a video marketing tool
    • We use video production equipment that is broadcast quality
    • We have a video team in Fort Lauderdale but have partnered with video production teams nationwide to shoot and edit business videos
  1. Social Media
    • Our PR firm has adeveloped successful social media campaigns for businesses large and small
    • As former journalists we are masters of video, meaning we are equipped to produce and promote your video profiles (video marketing tools) on Instagram Stories, YouTube, and Snapchat
    • Our team replies to your customers’ social media messages in minutes — whether in Fort Lauderdale or China, your customers expect a quick response
  1. Online Reputation
    • As former journalists, we wrote hundreds of stories about companies like yours, so our PR agency knows how to boost your image
    • Our unique SmartLink Online Reviews™ online reputation program is proven to obtain outstanding customer reviews for businesses in Fort Lauderdale and nationwide
    • We identify industry sites where review scores are suffering (hurting your PR) then funnel customer reviews there
    • Our PR agency’s online review strategies are built to pass review sites’ automated software checks
  1. Search Engine
    Optimization (SEO)
    • The SEO-trained specialists at our marketing agency understand what’s important to your industry: real estate, healthcare, legal, entertainment and more
    • Our SEO team understands video SEO and Google’s new mobile-first SEO ranking changes
    • We are proven at optimizing websites to load quickly and be user friendly on any screen
    • Our marketing agency’s experts dive into your website’s SEO and analytics, revealing on what pages potential customers leave your site, what pages are most popular and what customers search to get there


Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos™ are a persuasive marketing tool that increases sales and boosts a customer's confidence in you. Each video features you, your employees, your company’s story and your customers’ testimonials. Our marketing firm's clients in Fort Lauderdale and nationwide have transformed their businesses by promoting their marketing videos:

  1. Current Clients and Prospects

    Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos’ quality, eye-catching graphics and music can win over your current and prospective clients, increasing sales. Here are ways to use them in your video marketing: 

    • Current clients – A patient at a Fort Lauderdale medical practice visits for her check-up appointment, but is considering a facelift procedure. Your Newscast-Quality Marketing Video is playing on an endless loop on the waiting room TV (with video captions). The marketing video details the procedure and includes praise-filled video testimonials from Fort Lauderdale patients. Convinced, the patient books the appointment.
    • Prospective clients – A family emails your real estate office, asking for more information on a tough-to-sell listing in Fort Lauderdale. You hired our marketing firm to create Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos for the listing. The family is wowed and schedules a tour. As a back-up, additional prospects see the listing on YouTube, thanks to the video SEO tactics we use.
  2. Company Website

    With Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos™ your website becomes your 24/7 sales rockstar. Bloom PR’s social media marketing team can set up your YouTube channel, then our video marketing team can upload your Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos, optimize the video SEO, and place on your company’s website.

    Video Marketing on Your Website: Why It Is A Must

    • Nearly 75% of consumers believe a video describing a service is important (Source: Animoto)
    • 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it (Source: CodeFuel)
    • The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video marketing (Source: CodeFuel)
    • Companies using video marketing enjoy 41% more web traffic from search than non-users (Source: Aberdeen Research). Our marketing firm’s SEO specialists are trained in video SEO: They can strategically add keywords to each video’s description, maximizing their exposure in Google, Bing and Yahoo.
  3. On the Road

    Generate new business by taking your Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos with you when you’re away from the office. As an experienced marketing agency, we have found clients have the most success by leveraging these video marketing tools as follows:

    • Industry conferences – A dermatologist is giving a presentation at the annual Fort Lauderdale Skin Conference. She uses her Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos to detail specific benefits of her new skin treatment.
    • Business networking events – A Fort Lauderdale restaurant owner in attends an evening networking event. Using his iPad, he shows his Newscast-Quality Marketing Video to get mouths watering over his restaurant’s new menu items. He hands each attendee coupons for those menu items (and gains likely customers). 
    • Advertising at trade shows – A real estate broker rents a table at the Fort Lauderdale Realtors Convention & Trade Expo. On a tablet, he plays his Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos for attendees, securing new leads.
    • Unexpected introductionsUse your marketing video to wow that executive with the best elevator pitch ever.
  4. The News Media

    Our former journalists can generate news coverage for your business by pitching your newsworthy videos to broadcast, print, and online news outlets. Because we spent years working in the news media, we have valuable media contacts in Fort Lauderdale and nationwide.

  5. Digital & Social Media Ads

    Digital Advertising

    Your videos can reach high-intent potential customers by targeting only those who match the demographics, behaviors, and interests of your existing customers. Include your videos in programmatic display ads, search/site retargeting ads, geofencing campaigns, YouTube pre-roll ads, Instagram video ads, and more. Our team stands ready to help you determine the best digital ad vehicle for reaching who you want.

    Social Media Advertising

    Generate new business by promoting your Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos™ on social media in paid ads. Our PR agency’s digital team will show you how to leverage customer data to show your videos to people in the right age groups, ZIP codes, income levels and more. As former journalists, we were among the first industries to master social media marketing and we are experienced writers: We craft attention-grabbing posts.

    Search Engine Advertising (PPC Ads)

    Place your Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos™ (video testimonials from customers, “Meet the Business Owner” videos, recruiting videos, Q & A videos, etc.) at the top of Google searches with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Many of your competitors are using these ads to show up above you in search results. Put your video on the webpage listed in your PPC ad, and you will get results:

    • Campaigns help your business be found for what potential customers are searching – In search results, PPC ads display your website above your competitors.
    • Our experts can show your PPC ads to a highly specific group of people – For example, set your ads to be shown only to people who live in Fort Lauderdale, are interested in real estate and own an Audi.
    • You pay only when potential customers visit your site – In fact, because you can target specific groups, you pay only for relevant site visitors.

    Social Media Posts

    Post your Newscast-Quality Marketing Videos™ on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media marketing platforms. Our social media agency’s specialists have tools to analyze when your social media audience is online, then show your videos at those peak times (optimized for video SEO, of course). 

  6. Email Marketing

    Send your marketing videos to your email contacts. You can also include the videos in company newsletters. Consider these proven email marketing techniques for your videos:

    • Invite your patients to see your medical practice’s new laser treatment
    • Educate homebuyers on what makes your real estate agency unique
    • Contact past customers to introduce them to your new menu items, tempting them to revisit your restaurant

Our Strategies Can Boost Your Sales

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